Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Happy List - Part I

So my genius sister told me to write a Happy List. She showed me hers: a hundred things that make her happy. Now, this happy list can range from serious happy, or joy, all the way down to plain-jane happy, like bringing a smile to your face. I've been working on mine and am currently on 73 - hundred is quite a lot and I want to get it right. So this here is Part I, meaning numbers 1-25. And no, they aren't in order from greatest to least, or vice versa, just happy as it comes.

1. Holding hands
2. Baby laughs
3. Getting mail in my mailbox (or better yet, a package!)
4. Laying on the beach in the sun
5. Taking a nice long shower after a day at the beach
6. Playing games with my family
7. Hearing a song that, even if I tried to, I couldn't help but dance to
8. Clear skin - no zits on my face
9. Finding a pair of jeans that fits just right
10. Hugs from my niece and nephews
11. Holding babies (happy ones)
12. Getting soaked in the rain
13. Feeling pretty - like, really pretty
14. Climbing under layers of quilts when I'm cold
15. Running when you float (i.e. you don't feel every step)
16. Brushing my teeth after they feel particularly dirty
17. The feeling when I finish a huge paper or project
18. Laying on deep carpet
19. Writing a good poem
20. Hearing Les Miserables music
21. When a guy I like tells me he likes me
22. Laughing
23. The Mufasa joke
24. Stretching after a hard workout
25. Playing the quote game

That's it for now. I mean, I do have more, but I figure I'll keep my avid readers in suspense - you know "Tune in next week as Mindy's Happy List moves on to number 26..." Sorry, lame.

1 comment:

Megan said...

Those are some great "happy" things and yeah, a hundred is a lot. I'm not sure I could do it. Great to see you've joined the blogging world!
~Cousin Megan