Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Sweet Darling of Spring

Text message conversation:

Whit: Uh mins... might be cming hm with a new friend of sorts.. its life or death, i choose life!
Me: I hv no clue what ths means but i like it
Whit: Haha a sweet darling of the spring needs a mama. or should i say mamas
Me: Well we got plenty of those!
Whit: mongs
Me: mongs longs for wongs


Monday, April 12, 2010


Spring has been slow in coming. I argue that it's not all the way here yet.

But whether or not the weather has come
the weather has weathered me some
And weathering me in the whether or not
new pictures in this weather I've got

With springtime in the air, I can look forward to many more picnics and reading aloud time in the park.

Spring semester is well into it's midterm and Kelly comes in twenty minutes early to talk. She's teaching me Korean. I have a video of her that I've been trying to upload, but apparently blogger doesn't like it for some reason. I'll keep you updated on further developments.

New Book Club commences with the spring. As of now, we have a book, a tentative date to meet Grandpa in the park with coffee, and enjoy an afternoon of reading Alice.

I love Spring. Now if it would only really come. No more of this Springishness.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

God is a God of Pictures

During my morning runs this past week I've been listening to a lecture by Ray VanderLaan, the founder of That the World May Know Ministries, and it has been an incredible time of growth and worship.

Since my Jesus' Life and Ministry class with Dr. Lunde my last semester of college at Biola, I have wanted to better understand Jesus' Jewishness, and the Jewish heritage of my faith. Jesus was a Jew - lived, ate, spoke, prayed, and worshipped like a Jew. What does that mean for how I should understand his teachings and read God's Word? It should have EVERYTHING to do with how I read and understand God's Word.

In Ray's message he focuses on the truth that God is a God of pictures - He doesn't tell us; He shows us. The most beautiful picture of all being that of a blameless man condemned to die for the evilness of all men - paying the penalty for a blood covenant that both parties knew was broken the second it was made.

I love my Bible time. But to realize that there is a whole Bible that I haven't even read yet... one of depth and texture and detail... one that comes rooted in Jewish culture and landscape... one that is a single whole brilliant picture that radiates with passion and love and truth... how do I read that one??


On another note - I wanted to give one such picture to my Bible Study this morning, and so I brought a jar of honey to place a droplet on their Bibles for them to taste (as Ray related was done in Jewish classes and schools). Well, so happens it opened in my bag and, being the sticky thing it was, clung to everything that was within. Which, because God has a sense of humor, also included my Bible.

I wanted to learn in pictures: I now have a Bible that I can taste each page - and it is sweet.

God is Awesome.