Monday, April 12, 2010


Spring has been slow in coming. I argue that it's not all the way here yet.

But whether or not the weather has come
the weather has weathered me some
And weathering me in the whether or not
new pictures in this weather I've got

With springtime in the air, I can look forward to many more picnics and reading aloud time in the park.

Spring semester is well into it's midterm and Kelly comes in twenty minutes early to talk. She's teaching me Korean. I have a video of her that I've been trying to upload, but apparently blogger doesn't like it for some reason. I'll keep you updated on further developments.

New Book Club commences with the spring. As of now, we have a book, a tentative date to meet Grandpa in the park with coffee, and enjoy an afternoon of reading Alice.

I love Spring. Now if it would only really come. No more of this Springishness.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I like the weathering poem...did you write that? Yeah for pictures and blogs and updates and I just read Alice in Wonderland and Alice through the Looking Glass about 2 or 3 months ago, first time I ever read them. Love you. And I'm waiting for the real spring too.