Monday, February 1, 2010

5 Months and Counting...

It's been a roller-coaster, for sure.

And now I need advice. I've realized, after teaching English as a second language for the last 5 months, that I don't like teaching English as a second language. At least under the specific conditions as I have been, i.e. to younger children and with a pretty set teaching structure. Question is: where do I go from here?

I know I've still got quite a while to consider another country, a new place, and new life, or remaining where I am, but time seems to go by quicker than that and I have absolutely no clue what life will look like 7 months from now.

Cambodia? Working with a missions organization there? An adoption agency? Teaching - if God desires that of me again?

America? Grad school - my Masters in Teaching, hoping that teaching English as a literature will be way better than as language (a 'hoping' that costs a lot of money and two years)? Some other form of school?

Korea? Could I do another year here? Maybe with an international school, teaching drama, or English lit? Is that even possible without a TESOL certificate? Do I get my TESOL?

Overseas? Grad school - some unknown major that would be beneficial to a future career and well worth the money? Teaching again? Torchbearer's Bible School?

Any opinions, suggestions, ideas?


Emily said...

At least a short visit to sisters and nieces and nephews etc. That's all I got right now, sorry. Love you and miss you.

Candice Parisi said...

I think that 7 months ahead is considered planning and God doesn't really like that sometimes. Now maybe try again 7 days ahead. :) I vote for studying abroad. I really, really want you here but I think you have such a fun, adventurous life that God could just continue to take you places and use you in other areas. Keep praying about it and then He'll probably hit you over the head with the answer soon enough. :) Love you.