Saturday, February 21, 2009

Then Once to Speak

(same Stream of Consciousness that brought you the title of this blog)

Her feet are dancing as her arms are lifted
in time with the music she hears
Songs sung as she moves to the tune that she plays
the rhythm of her falling tears.
I try to imagine what she sees with closed eyes
shut so tightly to keep them in
those hopes and those fears shut up in her heart
a full day she can't help but relive.

As barefoot she stands in the mud of the road
seeming ready to run and stand still
racing with all the thoughts moving through
her mind, her body, her will.
Her stretched fingers curling around the thin air
as her arms they possess all the strength
to lift her right off of those bare feet in the mud
no emotion seems ever to stay.

The tears that I mentioned, those tears full of music
streaking patterns of black down her cheeks
the notes being played by the sun on her face
causes me then once to speak.
"Why this joy and this sadness together,
I'm not sure what's making you cry.
The tears, and the smile, must come from some reason?"
I stop and await her reply.

Turning and turning she heeds not my question
though laughing she pauses to say,
"All of these days, yet all that we waste,
Have you lived enough for today?"