Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Fav Babes

With Spring comes a new set of kiddos, but here's to the Fav Babes

to teach
to laugh with
to tilt my head sideways and wonder what in the world they are saying
to make random allusions to K-pop songs and have class sing-alongs
to say one word in Korean and have them think I'm fluent
to play with their hair when they stand next to my desk
to get giant bear hugs from
to hear their laughter when they call me "mandu teacher"
to make jokes way over their heads and make myself laugh so hard that they start laughing too
to hear "he'p me teacher, he'p me" during Review Tests
to get to know them in all their personalities and challenges
to listen when they want to speak, whether in Korean or English
to have them stick their toes under my bathroom stall and then run away
to challenge their minds with creativity and new words and bigger ideas
to love that I get to love them
to love

Thursday, March 4, 2010


And then he was.

William, when he's sitting, stately, in conversation with Red Chair. Just so classy together, those two. They know how to appreciate each other's taste in the higher things.

Billy, when we're kicking back and having a good chat. He knows some good stories and he'll listen eagerly to my scattered, yet well-meant ones.

And yes, as in Billy Joel.

A Second Childhood... but Different??

So I haven't necessarily gone back to those days of tent-pitching in the backyard, or rollerblading lemonade stands, or even the gymnastics performances in the front yard, but I have discovered a new sort of childhood bliss in having a roommate.

My friend Whit and I have now spent just over a week in our new place and there have been those moments of incredulity at what living with someone does to you. Such joy and joy-ness.

Case One: I came home tonight with the apartment, yet again, rearranged. And love it. Whit's on a week break from work and has proceeded to tinker. She is an excellent tinkering. With Red Chair and William in conversation, guitars facing off across the room, and precariously balanced paintings - consider yourself tinkered Obelisk 1717.

Case Two: Two nights ago we decided to have a slumber party. Isn't that every night, you might ask? Well yes, yes it is. But this was better. For, you see, we stayed up til 3 am watching DQMD (for those of you not down with DQ, your loss - actually, really interested to know your guesses), and slept on her bed of yos (mats that Koreans lay on the floor to sleep on) as she has not yet found a bed. It was reminiscent of Futon Days of Yore (you'll get that Sisters).

Case Three: The morning after. Woke up at 10, of course. Had to. Imagine if you will - Whitney making whole-wheat pancakes in the kitchen, because she makes me eat healthy (and I secretly love it), and me reading aloud from none other than Jane Eyre. Does life get better? Why yes, yes it does. Sarah Jane comes over (or up, depending on how you look at it- she lives on the 14th floor) and we proceed to devour pancakes and sip Tim Hor(not Mor)ton's Coffee - the taste of Canada, listening to Oh Happy Day from Sister Act. What a morning.

I'm sure there will be much more ridiculous awesomeness (because that's what I know you all are describing the aforementioned Cases as) to add to this presentation, but, alas, I have another blog to write about William, and so must leave them for other times.