Not sure what it is about the city - I don't go there that often, I hate traffic, and I value clean air - but every time I get a view similar to this one...
... (granted, this angle is from up in the sky and that orange moon probably happens once every 5 years, but driving along the 10 at night, you get a similar "looking north across the city" view, anyways, to get to my point), I love this city.
I find myself smiling whenever I see it's skyline (I also do this for Seattle) and I'm not sure why that is. I like the idea of so many people being in my eyesight, living their lives - maybe dancing, maybe crying - but living. And I find myself astounded at the fact that I will never meet them or know anything about their lives.
It goes further than that though. I find myself thinking about the dichotomy of the city. There is such hope and despair wrapped up in this specific city. Some wanting their big break, others just looking for a little bit of help. I'm not saying these aren't elsewhere - they are, because they belong to life. But Los Angeles has such stark contrasts. While making me smile, I feel both of those in me. I feel happiness and sadness at the same time.
Maybe that's why I like viewing the city from my safe place on the 10. I'm outside of this. Not to say that I'm outside of life's hope and despair, but I have a hope that is greater than this earth, so in a way, I am.
When I see this city, and I "see" all those lives before me... it makes me want to dance. And it makes me want to cry. But mostly, it makes me want to live.