Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Oh the Joys of Technology!

Yesterday I became the proud owner of a Canon camera... again. I bought one 4 years ago before I went off to college, and I thought now, before I leave for Korea, would be another one of those pivotal times when a new camera is necessary to memory-making. Upon purchase of said camera Kels and I proceeded to document the day. It was date-day, well, more like run-errands-but-just-be-the-two-of-us-day. So I will now bring you the Mundane but Awesome Chronicles of the First Day of the Rest of Summer Complete with Pictures.

First of course was the wonderful, but expensive trip to Best Buy

Then we came to Panda and Ralphs for a little food and a little Potty Break (you'd think we would've skipped the Ralphs bathroom and just used the one in Panda... no clue what we were thinking really.) I'm not going to post the pictures of their signs as that would get to be utterly ridiculous and would make this blog ginormous. 

Here is us in the beloved Betty with the top down!

So I'm going to post a video now.. this is one that I think sums up my knowledge of cameras. No more preface, just enjoy.

Okay, I don't think I'm going to post all the pictures or chronicle all the events from yesterday, but we did end up going to an awesome thrift store where I bought Valentino boots for $10, went for a 2 mile longboard adventure, and ate at Islands Restaurant. All in all a pretty successful day - even more so because I have pictures to remember it by now!

1 comment:

Candice Parisi said...

Ditto what I commented on Kelsey's blog about the same video. :)