Sunday, September 13, 2009

I Dream in Detail

I move into a new place. At first I'm sure it's Korea, but then I realize it's the apartments at Azusa. And I know, as you can only know in dreams, that I've gone back in time. I'm attending Azusa in its early days, but its also modern times, as that can only work out in dreams as well. 

My roommates, whom I am only separated by a sliding door, decide to make my room theirs, and constantly use my TV for video games and my bed for napping. This is not okay. But as I am an undercover agent, sent to discover the strange cult that is at the center of the university, I must not cause trouble. I'm only a week away from the big "event" that initiates me fully into Azusa "doctrine". I can't blow it now. 

The day of the event, I'm told to report to the field at 6 pm. My roommates decide to use this day to be the most annoying and intrusive that they possibly can. So I decide to run up the wall, and body slam the girl into the bed. I can because I'm a secret agent. We all can do that. Obviously a fight breaks out, and it is me and another agent against the roommates (co-ed, because apparently it was acceptable at the time). Security comes, and as my room was where the fighting started, I am the one who is going to be taken in for questioning.

The other agent and I quickly lock eyes and switch bodies. My body, with her in it, is taken away, while me in her body quietly makes my exit for the event. We're so close. We couldn't risk missing our big chance. That's what I call taking one for the team.

I inform Kelsey that she is to accompany me so it looks like I'm fitting in at Azusa and have friends. We find seats on the front bleacher. There is already a line for initiation. We watch on the screen as each person files down into this tarp-covered and water-filled hole and then up out the other side. Each time someone approaches the hole we hear their thoughts in our heads. They all are thinking "I'm finally one of them. I believe. I've made it." Until one girl gets up and we hear "I don't believe. I'm not sure I want this. What am I doing here?" 

I tell Kelsey that this is the time I have to intervene. I knew something bad was about to happen. There's no time. She approaches the hole. As we watch her wade through, a picture of her body flashes on to the projected screen and suddenly we look over at the hole and she's gone. She's dead. We all know it instantly. 

Kelsey jumps out of her seat and yells "This isn't right! You can't do this! You need to stop this immediately!" The rest of the crowd is confused, but the leaders start rushing towards Kelsey to overtake and quiet her. I must complete my mission. I must expose them for who they are. I run through the gathering crowd and pull the tarp up from over the hole and the dead bodies, including the body of the girl, are exposed for all to see. The crowd is enraged and they turn on the leaders. I fly off through the air to dispose of the tarp that had covered up so much evil. Kelsey is the Aaron to my Moses, and speaks to the crowd to calm them. 

Then I am outside all of this and I see these words on a movie screen before my eyes: "And so began Azusa's purification from the cult and its foundation as a Christian university. These cultic early days are the reason for so much tension between Biola and Azusa." 

I'm so glad it has finally been explained to me.


Emily said...

What? That was odd and yet compelling all at the same time. Wow, was that really a dream?

Mindy said...

Yep, dreamed it a couple nights ago. It was crazy! I love when I remember full story dreams. :)

Candice Parisi said...

If you were present after I read this, I would stand and applaud you. Thank you for exposing those cougars for what they really are. :) I love the whole body switch thing.....from The Host maybe? Nice....P.S. I miss you.

Candice Parisi said...

P.S. You should pull some strings and have this published in The Chimes. :) Dom backs me up on this.

Mindy said...

Ahaha!! I'll try my hardest. I don't know what strings I would pull. Kyle isn't there anymore.

Candice Parisi said...

Well then have him pull some strings! It would be like a puppet playing with a puppet. :)

Macaroo42 said...

Mindy... fellow dreamer... thou art epic.
And not a little odd.
But that helps.
I love this!